Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Eila has pointed out something I was not aware of about 4shared, thank you for pointing it out. I wasn't complaining about lack of comments left for me, I was just generally commenting as what I see as a freebie hunter. Several of the freebies that I left comments for I left comments on their blogs as well and there was only a few other people that left comments on their blogs. there just seems that since 4shared has changed people just don't seem to bother leaving comments at all.
Thank you to all those who have left me love I really appreciate it.
If you don't wish to register with 4shared you an always leave some love anonymously on digi designers blogs or suggest a way that you would prefer.


eilajean 25 November 2008 at 21:33  

A thank you is the best positive reenforcement for all your hard work. I had just seen so much about this when 4shared changed the rule. They say it is to block spammers - maybe? It used to be so easy to leave the TY there. But I ask, what is a few moments of your time to say you appreciate the hard work that the designers put into their work. It seems a very small price to pay - and you do deserve a Thanks from every single person who downloads...

That's just my opinion, I could be wrong... you just happen to be one of my favorite designers... and I appreciate your work.

Susie2shoes 25 November 2008 at 23:06  

Hi Kim

4Shared is a bit of a pain, and you can be going back and forth loging in then back to your blog. Then you've have to find out that you need to comment before clicking the download link! Grrrrr! It's right old, 'how's your father'.

What about a cbox on your blog, you can find out how to get one here http://cbox.ws/ and it's totally free and customisable.

Hope this helps as it's always nice to hear from people popping by your blog.

Ellie 27 November 2008 at 16:51  

I really appreciate getting the beautiful freebies. A comment about 4shared. I do a lot of blog hopping every day and it's not just logging in, as I don't mind logging in, but you have to log in again for each and every comment. 4shared will show me as logged in but I still have to log in again for every comment. I have noticed on some 4shared sites you can now leave a comment again and I don't have to log in twice, but not all, and I don't know why that is. But thanks so much for the beautiful freebies!
Hugs, Ellie

Pene 27 November 2008 at 20:55  

I agree with you Kim - it only adds a minute or two to the process and that's a small amount of time compared to what it must take to make the kits for us. It's just a common courtesy to say thanks and not enough people do it. So on behalf of those who haven't said it - THANK YOU :-)

Deanna 28 November 2008 at 05:08  

I know how you feel! I was feeling very un-loved for the first few freebies I posted after the change on 4shared. Your stuff is beautiful and hope you keep designing. A suggestion that was given to me was to put a shout box up to provide another easy way to leave comments. Thanks for all you do, I love your add on for the True Blue kit!

Carole N. 29 November 2008 at 02:12  

I can no longer leave a thank you on 4Shared even when I try to log in, but I always leave one on the blog. I can count the freebies on one hand that I have downloaded and not left a thank you for.

I feel if all the designers are kind enough to share their time and talent we should be kind enough to say "THANK YOU" no matter where we do it or how and I don't feel it is up to you or the others to make it any easier for us then it is. It has always amazed me to see how many downloads there are and such few comments.

Thanks again for all that you have shared with us. This is one scrapper that greatly appreciates it.

Big Hugs!

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